Photoshop Unit 1.4 – Pixabay

a. Task – Pixabay

  1. Follow along the Demonstration
  2. Go to
  3. Select and Download 2 Images from pixabay.
  4. Transfer images from Download_folder to Photoshop Unit 1.4_folder
  5. Open images in Photoshop and perform set-up Process.
    – Unlock Layer
    – Save As a Photoshop File and save in Photoshop Unit 1.4_folder
    – Image Size 10″ wide and 300 ppi
  6. Practice selecting elements, making image adjustments, and adding text.
  7. Save all files in Photoshop Unit 1.4_folder


Teacher Observation

Lesson tags: Image Set Up Process, Photoshop, Pixabay
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